The Bull and the Bees

The Bull and the Bees

The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country are celebrating World Bee Day by creating a buzz with Bullring & Grand Central.

On Monday 20th May the Trust team of Bee-havioural experts will be buzzing around St Martins Square, giving information and advice about attracting our pollinator pals.

A human-sized bee will be handing out free packets of native wildflower seeds to encourage people to create a mini wildflower meadow in their garden

97% of the wildflower meadows we had in the 1930s have disappeared* which is a big problem for our beautiful bees as a foraging bumblebee with a full stomach is only ever 40 minutes from starvation! Bees provide us with every third mouthful of food we eat – without them we wouldn’t be able to grow many of our favourite foods including tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries and green beans.

There are over 200 species of bees in the UK, many of them relying on the 15million private gardens that together cover 667,000 acres – seven times the size of the Isle of Wight! The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Bullring are working together to encourage everyone to garden in a wildlife friendly way to reverse bee decline. You can download a free Wild Bee Action Pack at where you can also find lots of ways to attract wildlife to your garden from creating a mini-pond to building a hedge for wildlife.

Attract bees to your garden!

The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country Wildflower Seeds

Credit: Eva Phillips