We're Helping to Green West Bromwich

We're Helping to Green West Bromwich

We're pleased to be planting species-rich wildflower swards as part of the re-development of West Bromwich High Street.

We've been working with Multistory and Sandwell Council as part of the West Bromwich Town Improvement Plan, advising them on how to create better connectivity for nature from the High Street to the entrance of Dartmouth Park. 

As part of this work, the wildflower swards we create will comprise a mix of native wildflowers that will offer a long flowering season, providing a vital source of food for wildlife in an urban area. This forms part of a wider scheme to allow better access and encourage not just wildlife, but also people from the High Street to Dartmouth Park and Sandwell Valley Country Park, allowing them to experience the natural benefits of those beautiful green spaces.

By connecting more people with the wild world around them, we hope to sow the seeds of change in the local community - as more people connect with nature, the more they will cherish it, protect it and benefit from it.

Our work will be carried out with the help of volunteers from Sandwell Visually Impaired, local students and staff from the local shops adjacent to the spaces. 

Sarah planting

Reserves Officer, Sarah, out planting wildflowers outside Primark in West Bromwich