Re-naturalising the Smestow Brook

Re-Naturalising the Smestow Brook.

Regarding works 18th May - 20th May 2021

The enhancement works on the Smestow Brook include small-scale regrading of the banks at 6 pre-selected locations to help create a diversity of river channel conditions for the benefit of wildlife including fish, invertebrates and wetland plant species. Photos of two of these areas are attached below.

The works are being delivered in accordance with conditions stipulated in a bespoke environmental permit from the Environment Agency. All of the areas being accessed and worked in are being checked for breeding birds and any signs of other species including mammals and reptiles by an ecologist who is on site at all times.

No trees are being felled, scrub cleared or bramble cut during the works, with the exception of one tree limb which was removed for access and was checked for signs of breeding birds in advance. The woody debris being installed in the river has been sourced from fallen branches and trees and was also checked for signs of wildlife before being used.

Prior to the works beginning surveys were undertaken for protected species and any ecologically sensitive areas were cordoned off. Robust sediment control measures are also in place and the contractors are regularly monitoring water quality using modern, calibrated equipment.